• Question: What do people get addicted to the most?

    Asked by anon-228675 to Jolel, Emily, Amber, Alex on 12 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Emily Mattacola

      Emily Mattacola answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      If we’re thinking about substances, then heroin is the most addictive drug. Heroin breaks down your brain’s reward system. This means that, over time, heroin addicts will struggle to experience the same degree of pleasure that they get when they use the drug. This is why they keep coming back for more, despite all of the harm it causes.

      In terms of the things most people are addicted to, remember that a lot of addictive subtances are perfectly legal; things like alcohol, caffeine, and smoking are all highly addictive and available to buy in the shops, so these will be the things that most people are addicted to.

    • Photo: Jolel Miah

      Jolel Miah answered on 12 Nov 2019:

      great answer by Emily, not sure i can add to this!
