• Question: Amber, have you analysed your dogs behaviour using your psychology knowledge? If so, what is the most interesting thing you have found out?

    Asked by anon-229504 to Jolel, Emily, Amber, Alex on 11 Nov 2019. This question was also asked by anon-229505.
    • Photo: Jolel Miah

      Jolel Miah answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      great question, I want to know as well!

    • Photo: Amber Cronin

      Amber Cronin answered on 13 Nov 2019:

      Great question! I’ve trained my dog to do lots of tricks, using a famous psychological theory called ‘operant conditioning’- which sounds confusing but is actually something commonly used (I wonder if your teachers use this on their students…).
      What this means is, when I want my dog does something I like (for example, sit) I give him praise and a treat. When he does something naughty (like using my shoe as a chew toy!), I tell him ‘bad dog’ in a low tone voice and don’t give him any attention. This helps him to associate certain behaviour with treats and good attention or me being disappointed and giving him no attention. Dogs love to please their owners, so this way he learns to do the behaviours he gets treats from, and avoids doing the behaviours that make me ignore him.
