• Question: How long have you been studying mobile phone uses, because it would interest me a lot because i go on my phone a lot, and it would be nice to get some good information about it, especially from a real scientist sometimes when i am not allowed on my phone it can easily get annoyed, is that related to it?

    Asked by anon-228650 to Alex on 11 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Alex Spiers

      Alex Spiers answered on 11 Nov 2019: last edited 11 Nov 2019 9:55 am

      No one knows if using a mobile phone is harmful or positive yet, especially when it comes long-term effects. However, generally I would say that the research says the phone itself is probably not bad for you.

      However these actions are probably bad for your mental health when it comes to your phone:

      1) Disruption of sleep – sleep is so important for mental health, especially as an adolescent. If you look at your screen just before bed, it WILL disrupt your sleep, which is so important for your ability to learn, make memories, and process emotional stuff from the day. If you can not look at your phone an hour before bed, it will deinitely help

      2) Don’t sleep next to your phone. If you are subconciously waiting for messages at night time, it an cause emotional alertness, which some scientists think might be harmful

      3) Don’t go on social media IF you feel like you are being excluded, bullied or coerced into things. Just like any friendship or relationship, talking to friends is usually positive. But cyberbullying can be extremely harmful, so let friends or adults know if you are being affected.

      My opinion is that, used in the right way and in moderation, smartphones are actually good for us in small doses… although again, more research is needed before we can say that for sure.
