• Question: If I'm sad and technology only takes my mind off it should i do exercise to get my self esteem up or is it a myth that exercise does makes you happier.

    Asked by anon-229142 to Sophie, Jolel, Emily, Amber, Alex on 14 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Jolel Miah

      Jolel Miah answered on 14 Nov 2019:

      for me its about moderation if it’s positive and gives you good energy. Yes, exercise helps, it keeps the mind and body active. It releases happy hormones but again too much might be harmful to you. I would say do the exercise you enjoy. You are more likely to do it.

    • Photo: Amber Cronin

      Amber Cronin answered on 14 Nov 2019:

      Try doing things that you really enjoy, when I’m feeling rubbish doing thing I like helps to boost my mood. When I start to think negatively it dampens my self esteem, so I try to be as positive as I can be, and I don’t give any attention to the negative thoughts.
