• Question: You say you never got in trouble at school, through my experiences everyone makes a mistake and will get told off in their lifetime so are you really telling the truth?

    Asked by anon-228653 to Jolel, Emily, Amber, Alex on 11 Nov 2019. This question was also asked by anon-228657.
    • Photo: Emily Mattacola

      Emily Mattacola answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      I can say hand on heart that I never got in real trouble, like detention or anything like that, but I definitely got told off – everyone does! I think all of the other scientists will probably say the same thing. I remember once getting really told off for forgetting my P.E. kit, for example. There is probably just a difference between getting told off and “being in trouble”, as getting told off is just a part of life. As you rightly say, everyone makes mistakes.

    • Photo: Amber Cronin

      Amber Cronin answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      I never got into “real” trouble, but I did get a couple of detentions for occasionally forgetting to do my homework! I did used to get in trouble in primary school for chatting too much haha! I’m still quite chatty now, oops!

    • Photo: Jolel Miah

      Jolel Miah answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      I would say, I did get in a lot of trouble but nothing to serious, I think I was just seeking attention looking back on it. I learnt from my mistakes and it has really helped me and the people I work with today. Its important to know how to bounce back when things get tough,
